Calibration plots for the easy tasks of identifying penguin species in the Palmer Penguins data set.
Teemu Säilynoja
January 30, 2023
June 14, 2023
library("bayesplot")library("cmdstanr")library("ggplot2")library("khroma")library("quartoExtra")# Source for the modified reliability plotsource("../../code/helpers.R")theme_set(good_theme)bayesplot_theme_set(good_theme)color_scheme_set(scheme =c(unname(colour("vibrant")(7)[c(3,7,4,1,2,5)])))scale_colour_discrete = scale_colour_vibrantscale_fill_discrete = scale_fill_vibrantsource("../../code/helpers.R")SAVE_MODEL =TRUE
Calibration plots for the easy tasks of identifying penguin species in the Palmer Penguins data set.
The data
if (FALSE) {data("iris") X <- dplyr::select(na.omit(iris), -c("Species")) y <-as.numeric(iris$Species)} else {library(palmerpenguins)data("penguins") X <-na.omit(penguins)[, c(3,4,5,6)] y <-as.factor(na.omit(penguins)$species)}
For the set of \(N\) observations of \(K\) features \(x_{k,n}\) and their corresponding species \(y_{n} \ in \{1,\dots,D\}\), we perform the classification using the categorical logit classifier, that is using the following likelihood \[
p(y_n = s_j \mid \mathbf{w}) = \frac{\exp\left(\beta_{n,j}\right)}{\sum_{d=1}^D\exp\left(\beta_{n,j}\right)},
\] where \[
\beta_{n,j} = w_{0,j} + \sum_{k=1}^Kw_{k,j}x_{k,n}
Stan code for the model
model <-cmdstan_model(stan_file ="../../code/stan-models/penguins_glm.stan")model
data {
int N; // number of observations
int D; // number of features
int N_classes; // number of classes
matrix [N, D] X; // observation data
array[N] int <lower = 1, upper = N_classes> y; // target values {1,..., N_classes}
transformed data {
// Normalize the data
matrix[D + 1, N] X_stn;
X_stn[D + 1, ] = rep_row_vector(1, N);
for (d in 1:D) {
X_stn[d,] = to_row_vector((X[, d] - mean(X[, d])) / sd(X[, d]));
parameters {
// Matrix of the linear weights.
matrix[N_classes, D + 1] W;
transformed parameters {
// Compute the linear transformations
matrix[N_classes, N] logits;
for (c in 1:N_classes) {
logits[c, ] = W[c, ] * X_stn;
model {
// Evaluate prior density
for (d in 1:(D + 1)) {
for (c in 1:N_classes) {
target += normal_lpdf(W[c, d] | 0, 1);
// Evaluate likelihood
for (n in 1:N) {
target += categorical_logit_lpmf(y[n] | logits[,n]);
generated quantities {
vector[N] yrep; //posterior predictive samples
matrix[N,N_classes] lpd; //log posterior predictive densities
for (n in 1:N) {
yrep[n] = categorical_logit_rng(logits[,n]);
for (n in 1:N) {
for (c in 1:N_classes) {
lpd[n, c] = categorical_logit_lpmf(c | logits[,n]);
After loading the model, we pass the data and run the inference using HMC. As a result, we obtain 4000 samples from the posterior as well as posterior predictive samples and posterior predictive densities.
Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains...
Chain 4 finished in 6.0 seconds.
Chain 3 finished in 6.1 seconds.
Chain 2 finished in 6.3 seconds.
Chain 1 finished in 6.5 seconds.
All 4 chains finished successfully.
Mean chain execution time: 6.2 seconds.
Total execution time: 6.7 seconds.
The posterior distributions of the weights show reasonable separation between classes (the first index). The dimension with most overlap seems to be the intercept term, \(W[j,5]\) below.
mcmc_areas(fit$draws(variables ="W"))
The calibration
The common approach of plotting a bar char of the observations overlaid with posterior means and 95% confidence intervals only gives a crude idea of the calibration of the model predictions.
ppc_bars(as.numeric(y), fit$draws(variables ="yrep", format ="matrix")) +scale_x_continuous(breaks =1:3, labels =levels(y))
From the following three reliability diagrams, one can see, that although sometimes underconfident in the predicted probabilities, the model is capable of very clearly separating the three species.
plot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =colMeans(exp(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",1]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[1]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[1], "vs. Others"))
plot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =exp(colMeans(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",2]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[2]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[2], "vs. Others"))
plot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =exp(colMeans(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",3]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[3]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[3], "vs. Others"))
Source Code
---title: "PPC Visualizations for Categorical Data"subtitle: "Palmer Penguins"date: "2023-01-30"date-modified: "`r format(Sys.Date(), '%Y-%m-%d')`"author: "Teemu Säilynoja"image: "../../docs/case_studies/categorical/categorical_palmer_penguins_files/figure-html/groups_scatter-1.svg"description: "Calibration plots for the easy tasks of identifying penguin species in the Palmer Penguins data set."format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-tools: true code-line-numbers: true default-image-extension: svg fig-format: svg---```{r inport, message=FALSE}library("bayesplot")library("cmdstanr")library("ggplot2")library("khroma")library("quartoExtra")# Source for the modified reliability plotsource("../../code/helpers.R")theme_set(good_theme)bayesplot_theme_set(good_theme)color_scheme_set(scheme =c(unname(colour("vibrant")(7)[c(3,7,4,1,2,5)])))scale_colour_discrete = scale_colour_vibrantscale_fill_discrete = scale_fill_vibrantsource("../../code/helpers.R")SAVE_MODEL =TRUE```Calibration plots for the easy tasks of identifying penguin species in the Palmer Penguins data set.# The data```{r}if (FALSE) {data("iris") X <- dplyr::select(na.omit(iris), -c("Species")) y <-as.numeric(iris$Species)} else {library(palmerpenguins)data("penguins") X <-na.omit(penguins)[, c(3,4,5,6)] y <-as.factor(na.omit(penguins)$species)}``````{r}#| label: groups_scatter#| dev.args :#| bg: transparentggplot(X, aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, colour = y)) +geom_point() +xlab("Bill length (mm)") +ylab("Bill depth (mm)") +labs(colour ="Species") +legend_move(position ="top")```# The modelFor the set of $N$ observations of $K$ features $x_{k,n}$ and their corresponding species $y_{n} \ in \{1,\dots,D\}$, we perform the classification using [the categorical logit classifier](, that is using the following likelihood$$p(y_n = s_j \mid \mathbf{w}) = \frac{\exp\left(\beta_{n,j}\right)}{\sum_{d=1}^D\exp\left(\beta_{n,j}\right)},$$where$$\beta_{n,j} = w_{0,j} + \sum_{k=1}^Kw_{k,j}x_{k,n}$$::: {.callout-note appearance="simple" collapse="true" title="Stan code for the model"}```{r}model <-cmdstan_model(stan_file ="../../code/stan-models/penguins_glm.stan")model```:::After loading the model, we pass the data and run the inference using HMC.As a result, we obtain 4000 samples from the posterior as well as posterior predictive samples and posterior predictive densities.```{r}fit <- model$sample(data =list(N =nrow(X),D =ncol(X),N_classes =length(unique(y)),X = X,y =as.numeric(y)),parallel_chains =4,refresh =0)```The posterior distributions of the weights show reasonable separation between classes (the first index). The dimension with most overlap seems to be the intercept term, $W[j,5]$ below.```{r}#| label: mcmc_areas_adelie#| dev.args : #| bg: transparentmcmc_areas(fit$draws(variables ="W"))```# The calibrationThe common approach of plotting a bar char of the observations overlaid with posterior means and 95% confidence intervals only gives a crude idea of the calibration of the model predictions.```{r}#| label: ppc_bars#| message: false#| dev.args : #| bg: transparentppc_bars(as.numeric(y), fit$draws(variables ="yrep", format ="matrix")) +scale_x_continuous(breaks =1:3, labels =levels(y))```From the following three reliability diagrams, one can see, that although sometimes underconfident in the predicted probabilities, the model is capable of very clearly separating the three species.```{r}#| label: reliab_adelie#| dev.args : #| bg: transparentplot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =colMeans(exp(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",1]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[1]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[1], "vs. Others"))``````{r}#| label: reliab_chinstrap#| dev.args : #| bg: transparentplot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =exp(colMeans(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",2]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[2]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[2], "vs. Others"))``````{r}#| label: reliab_gentoo#| dev.args : #| bg: transparentplot_dotted_reliabilitydiag(x =exp(colMeans(fit$draws(variables =paste(paste("lpd[", 1:nrow(X), sep=""), ",3]", sep=""), format ="matrix"))), y =as.numeric(y ==levels(y)[3]), quantiles =20) +labs(title =paste("Calibration:", levels(y)[3], "vs. Others"))```